Mission:To strengthen families, schools, and communities through building mathematical understanding, improving attitude toward mathematics and sharing resources related to increasing mathematical achievement.
The Math for Adults Foundation was incorporated as a non-profit on July 28, 2016 with the purpose of strengthening families, schools, and communities through
*Building mathematical understanding,
*Improving attitude toward mathematics, and
*Sharing resources related to increasing mathematical achievement.
We do this by:
*Promoting Parental Involvement in Mathematics such as Math for Parents Minicourses and Family Math
*Offering trainings & resources for Math Night Facilitators
*Providing online math games & activities for parents & teachers
*Sharing resources for healthy and safe families.
The Math for Adults Foundation grew out of work by the Math and Parent Partners Center (MAPPS) at The University of Arizona. MAPPS is a program that engages parents in the mathematics of the schools. With initial funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) during the period from 1999-2003, PI's David Gay and Marta Civil and their team developed the Math and Parent Partnerships of the Southwest program to engage K-8 parents in collaboratively exploring concepts and pedagogies behind the mathematics that their children are learning in school. The goal was for parents to successively take on leadership roles within the program to share their own mathematical authentic knowledge and experiences with others. Since that time, the program has expanded to universities and schools throughout the country. See below for related websites.
The University of Arizona MAPPS Center https://mappsua.wordpress.com/
The University of Georgia Math and Parent Partners http://www.ugagriffincontinuinged.com/index.php/home/upcoming
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Central Wisconsin MAPPS http://www.uwsp.edu/cols/Pages/Reports/MAPPS.aspx
Family Math
See a Clip of Session 4 below.
Child explanation using Cuisenaire Rods at 9:00-9:55.
* Math Night Training/PL for Teachers
* Consulting- Parental Involvement in Mathematics
* Professional Learning in Mathematics
* Math Parent Enrichment Classes for families
* Direct facilitation/coordination of Math Nights
Contact Dr. Andrea Knapp at aknapp@mapsfoundation.com
Math for Parents Minicourses
Provide parents with in-depth experiences with school mathematics and the processes used in
teaching and learning it. -
Help parents to be aware of what is happening in their children's classrooms.
Offer parents occasions to take on leadership roles in working with teachers, administrators, and
other parents.
Learn How To:
Gain a better understanding of the fundamental principles of whole numbers.
Increase children's confidence and performance with math.
Be better equipped to help your child with homework.
Enhance relationship with children's school.
Enjoy fellowship with other parents and teachers.
Engage in math games, activities, and homework help provided for children.
Board of Directors
Advisory Board
The Math for Adults Founder and Executive Director is Dr. Andrea Knapp. Dr. Knapp began implementing and researching parental involvement in mathematics in 2008. Since that time, she has directed Math Night programs in four school districts through the Math for Adults Foundation and involvement with The University of Georgia and The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She has served as Associate Professor in Mathematics Education at both universities.
Dr. Knapp has a passion for improving mathematics achievement by empowering families to interact as mathematical learning communities. She enjoys sharing her testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and her family's journey to healing through Him.
Dr. Cynthia Moore is an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University. She holds extensive experience with science education outreach and is a molecular biologist with interests in human cancer genetics. She is the Director of Biology Teacher Education at ISU. Dr. Moore serves as Board Chair and Chief Financial Officer of the Math for Adults Foundation.

David Gay, MAPPS Founder and Emeritus Faculty at the University of Arizona
Much of his time at the University of Arizona was spent with future teachers of mathematics and with math teachers in Arizona schools. He has written three college textbooks: Solving Problems Using Elementary Mathematics, Geometry by Discovery, and Explorations in Topology: Map Coloring, Surfaces, and Knots.
He was the Principal Investigator for several projects having funding from outside the University, including teacher-enhancement programs for middle school teachers and programs to take Family Math into Arizona’s small towns and cities. He was the Principal Investigator (along with Marta Civil) of the NSF-funded project that developed and piloted the MAPPS program.
His educational background includes a BA from Princeton and a PhD in mathematics from Dartmouth. Before coming to the U of A in 1977, he taught at UC Berkeley, Talladega College (Alabama), and New College (Sarasota, FL).
Ms. Racheal Landers has served as the
UGA MAPPS director and coordinator at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus. Her current appointment is the Academic Success Coordinator at Central Georgia Technical College. She holds a Master’s in Mathematics Education from UGA and is a PhD student in UGA's Department of Learning Design and Technology. She has extensive experience in Continuing Education at UGA and as Coordinator of Continuing Education at University of Natal, Durbin, South Africa. Ms. Landers has coordinated the development of online Math Night training for teachers.

Dr. Andrea Knapp
Dr. Cynthia Moore
Dr. David Gay
Ms. Racheal Landers
Deborah Hudson is the Vice Chair.
She is a veteran teacher of mathematics and currently teaches at Rehoaboth Rd Middle School in Griffin, Ga. Ms. Hudson holds an Ed.S in Mathematics Education from the University of Georgia Griffin Campus.

Senfeng Liang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Dr. Senfeng Liang’s research interest is mathematics education, including parental involvement in students’ mathematics education and college mathematics education. He received his Ph.D. degree in mathematics education from the University of Maryland, College Park.